Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Mrs. Cardona if you ever see this, I would like to let you know that at 1:38 am I returned to the AP Comp blog. I don't know why I did this (especially since when I was actually in the class I only went like 3 times total....), I don't what I wanted, but I will say that it did make me a little bit sad? or maybe even nostalgic.... Could it be that I miss this class, and maybe even high school, just a little bit?..... We literally spend the first 18 years of our lives preparing for college, elementary school takes forever, middle school takes awhile, but high school cruises by. Right as people start to figure things out, and everything begins to click, its over, and we're thrust head over heels into a totally knew situation. Many of us have left home for the first time, we are on our own for the first time (sorta), have to clean and do laundry without mom and are generally pretty disoriented. And honestly for all the awesomeness that college entails, it's hard. It's hard leaving this old life.This life that most of us have worked so hard to create, literally becomes almost nothing. Yes, a few measly scraps are left over, some friends, and the grades we got are reflected in our post secondary education, but other than that what else? If we're lucky maybe the memories of a few wonderful teachers, or some rare profound moment registered in a barely awake brain. Sitting here in a college dorm room, seven hours from my home, my family, everything has changed. For some this is an opportunity to start over, a pseudo rebirth, but for others its a sucker punch, an undeserved cheap shot that takes away everything. College is an opportunity that we all get once in a lifetime, its literally a chance to do anything, you can completely change yourself or make it exactly like high school, we can literally become anything that we want and this opportunity is something great. We have literally been given an opportunity to do anything that we want. So why not be happy, hang out with your old friends, or meet new ones, move away or stay close, change yourself or stay the same, anything is possible, but the most important thing is happiness, so do what makes you happy. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

In response to future me.

So it hasn't quite been ten years, but its been about one year. Things have really changed but mostly for the better. onward and upward I guess. I'm in college now things are going well so apparently everything we did in AP Comp paid off in the end.
      This format is weird because its like a public journal, in the sense that it never goes away and that anybody can read it but its private because since I'm not writing this for class anymore it can be anonymous.So what should I do now, sappy love stuff, comedy writing, pictures, does anybody really even care what an 18 year old has to say? Hopefully. Maybe I can make this blog into something....something important. I'm here to make a difference. This blog isn't necessarily going to be world changing but, I will be. So watch out world I'm coming.