Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy christmahanakwanza

     Alright, I get that this is a little bit early but Thanksgiving is right around the corner, I've heard Christmas music in department stores and on the radio, and the mall near my house has already erected a massive Christmas tree. Which leads me to believe that this post is in fact not early at all, in-fact it may be late.
      I'm going to be honest here, I love Christmas, I could lie and tell you all that I like the tree, the family time, or even the food, but honestly by far the best part about Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate is the presents and anybody who says differently is a liar. Recently I've heard a lot of people ragging on how Christmas is all about spending tons of money, and how it has been taken over by Hallmark and corporate America. But really these things are what make Christmas, Christmas. I love the music, the crowded malls, the holiday specials, even the Christmas ads get me excited. No matter what anybody says if these things disappeared we would all be a little sad. Honestly this is probably not a good thing, but there are some things that aren't worth getting worked up over. Some things should just be embraced and enjoyed regardless. I'm not saying that we should all just be 100 percent complacent about everything, but honestly music, and ads aren't hurting anybody.
      Now due to the above paragraph I feel like people are going to say "what about people who don't have a lot of money, or people who don't celebrate Christmas?" This is a fair point, I get that a lot of people don't have a lot of money, and that not everybody celebrates Christmas. This is where all the other pieces come in, even though everybody likes presents, family, food and just the general happy feeling that comes with the season is something that should be embraced and enjoyed. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, or have a lot of money the trees are still pretty, the food is still good, and loved ones are still amazing. So maybe I was wrong.... maybe there is more to Christmas than just presents. Maybe family, and giving are the most important things, maybe we should enjoy presents and music and ads, but understand that they are not the most important part, because regardless of monetary situation, or religion I whole-heartedly believe that every single person in this world is loved by someone.


  1. Yo hipster you have a cool perspective. I like this, especially the honesty of it. Keep 'em coming!
