Sunday, January 22, 2012


a- Advanced Placement
b- bad writing (mine)
c- cold, why is the classroom so cold?
d- Dwight
e- Exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!! (this is a joke)
f- fifty essays
h- humorous arguments
i- illuminating passages
j- jammin' out to our awesome playlist
l- sleep, which is what some of the essays do to me.
m- Mrs. Cardona
n- noisy
o- Orwell
p- Poor word choice
q- Quit, Never quit writing
r- Reading essays
s- Sarcasm
t- Taxing.
u- underneath everything, there is an argument
v- Vocal
w- winging it
x- xylophone
y- Yes! only four more days, (Just kidding)
z-  zoo

Sunday, January 8, 2012

future me

Hey future me, whats up, So I am a senior right now, and because this is being posted to my blog this letter will be here forever and ever which means i will be able to read this at any time in the future. So... what would I like to say to myself I guess I would like to say don't give up, as long as you or I or something keep trying we will always succeed, never stop trying to be the best and things will always go well. ummmmm I have no idea what else to say so good bye future self and good luck, I'm trying to make things work out well for you, and hopefully I will be able to read this 10 years from now and know that I have done my best and made things work.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do I like this?

Well since it is a new year I guess I'll begin by admitting two things. Number one.... I think I think I actually enjoy blogging. This statement goes against everything I have ever been lead to believe, and I don't even care about who's reading my blog, mostly it just feels good to see a massive list of posts compiled into one spot. They even look nice, and sort of published. I am even beginning to want people to read my blog, maybe I'll even become famous! So I guess I would like to thank you Mrs. Cardona, without you introducing me to the world of blogging I would never have found that out that I actually enjoy it.
My second piece of news is that I like Coldplay. There I actually said and now anybody in the world can read it. For some reason after disliking COldplay for so long my brain finally decided to give them a try. and it turns out that I really like them.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Dear Slow customers,
     I  would just like to let everybody know that I work at a gas station, i get paid 8.50$ an hour and I leave at ten o'clock. So just to let all of the old ladies counting change, the balding man who seems to have lost his credit card, the middle aged woman looking for a coupon, and all of the other slow customers, I get paid by the hour. When you take ten minutes to check out at a gas station, do not apologize to me, I am stuck here no matter how long you take, but please turn around, look into the hateful eyes of your fellow shoppers, their angry glares, and the dreaded stink-eye, and think to yourself is that ten cents really worth it? Or maybe you could like let someone else go in front of you while you dig for your money, or run off to go get that thing you forgot, as crazy as that seems, when you as a customer are slow the only person you are hurting is yourself, I couldn't care less if you take 30 seconds or 30 minutes to check out, as long as I'm gone by ten I am a happy camper, but maybe just maybe, glance behind you, into those eyes, look into the grim faces of your fellow shoppers who would enjoy nothing more than giving you a swift kick in the ass, and maybe use a credit card, get rid of your outdated checkbook. Or have your money out and ready, and please don't sit there and look at me like I'm the one causing this. All I am is a lowly cashier, trying to earn money for college all I want is to go home and sleep. So while you count your change, needlessly fill out your check, or dig for that coupon that will save you a nickel, always remember there is always somebody behind you in line.